
If part your body has an issue (maybe due to prolonged poor posture for example), it may well be that it is unable to meet the functional demands you place upon it. The function of that area starts to break down and a cascade of dysfunction then proceeds to happen, where the lack of function in one area has a knock on effect to another.This often results in areas of pain and inflammation. The big question here that needs to be addressed is WHY does that area have an issue? What has happened that means the supply to the area (adequate blood, drainage and nerve innervation) has been compromised and unable to meet the demand?

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder joint has the widest range of motion of any joint in the body. Unfortunately increased mobility also comes with instability and an increased chance of injury. Typical issues include Frozen Shoulder and Shoulder Impingement, as well as the more common rotator cuff strains.



Tendonitis typically occurs due to over use of an area, or from a traumatic onset. Commonly repetitive movements, poor posture at work or poor form playing sports can lead to tendonitis. Commonly seen conditions include tennis elbow and achilles pain.

Back and neck pain

Back and neck pain

There are many reasons for back and neck pain. Establishing which tissues are causing the pain (and why) is the first step in establishing a treatment plan and effective treatment.

Sports Injury

Sports Injury

As well as traumatic onset, sports injuries can often occur due to imbalances within the body which are then exacerbated during training.

Referred pain

Referred pain

Referred pain (or more accurately “radicular pain”), can include pain, weakness, numbness and tingling along the path of a nerve. Commonly this will be observed down the back of the leg (sciatica) or pain into the shoulder blade or into the hands.



Some headaches arise from issues in the upper neck. Nerve irritation in the upper neck can lead to headaches similar to migraines or stress headaches.

Trapped Nerve

Trapped Nerve

Sharp pain on movement is often described as a “Trapped Nerve”. Accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause is needed to establish effective treatment.

Poor Posture

Poor Posture

Posture advice to help avoid headaches and muscle strain

See an Osteopath at H&C Osteopathy